I put out Mailbox 1 in the Fall of 2016 as a way of bringing some of my non-book friends along to zine and book fairs. I also had just finished grad school and still had access to the full color photo copier in the mailroom, hence the name “Mailbox”. Now two years later, I’ve named the press, came up with a mission, acquired my own riso, and have been incredibly lucky to work with a handful of folks to help produce their work in new ways and get it out into the world.
As a late 90’s punk kid, the cheap sampler cds that indie labels put out changed what I knew about music and exposed me to a world I otherwise would have known nothing about. Mailbox is kind of my version of that concept. All of the artists included within this box set are involved with National Monument Press on some level, mostly as artists who I have released books with or are working on upcoming projects with.
Mail Box 2 features zines by Awkward Ladies Club/Amy Burek, Kristin Hough, Erin Martinez, Kelley O'Leary, Vincent Pacheco, Faith Sponsler, Emily Tareila, & Zach Clark.
All but Kristin Hough's zine riso printed. Edition of 50. 2018 Purchase here.