Like things go away
By Alyson Provax, in collaboration with. Zach Clark
Like things go away exists as a document for processing the shared and individual experience of living through the last 3 years of unrest and unpredictability, as a society and in isolation.
Like things go away is a collaborative work by Alyson Provax and Zach Clark. It began in summer 2021 as a discussion between the two artists about the color-changing nature of construction paper. The text pieces were written by Alyson in autumn 2022, which began an ongoing discussion with Zach about how to best structurally express the themes, and the technical and formal considerations to support and reflect the concept through book form.
In winter 2023 Alyson printed the letterpress originals in Portland, OR with 14 pt Garamond from the Dale Guild Foundry on her Chandler and Price Pilot Old Style. In Oakland, CA, the artists worked together on the layout and printing at Chute Studio, where both the unaltered risograph translations and the experimental scanner-altered works were printed with a Risograph RZ310 and SF9450 using steel, moss, and black ink on Prang and French Papers. The letterpress covers were printed back in Portland by Alyson using 24pt Garamond English Italic and 8pt Univers Light Roman from M & H Type. Once shipped back to Oakland, the books were finished and bound in spring 2023 by Zach using a Singer Series 7-11, with final edition of 200, dimensions 6x6.25"
Like things go away was funded in part by the Regional Arts and Culture Council, and we are deeply grateful for their support, which allowed the book to change and flourish.
Like things go away can be purchased here.